Stop Buying Dirty Fossil Fuel & Stop Supporting Jihadist Terrorist Objectives.

Support Good Christian Families & Buy Clean Green Renewable Fuel.

Make Europe Self-Sustainable & Self-Reliant by Supporting European Farmers.

Create European Wealth & Make Europe Strong Again.

The Bible, Follow Gods Word.                                                 


Choose Clean, Green Energy for a Better Future

It's time to break free from dependence on fossil fuels and embrace clean, renewable energy sources. By supporting initiatives that prioritize sustainability, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.

Revitalize Communities and Create Jobs

Join us in revitalizing small towns and cities across Europe by supporting renewable energy projects. By investing in clean energy infrastructure, we can create hundreds of thousands of new jobs for families in need and breathe new life into struggling communities.

Follow the Path of Compassion and Unity

As followers of Jesus, let's heed His teachings of love and compassion for all. By coming together as a community, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs, we can work towards a common goal of building a better world for everyone.

Listen to God's Call for Stewardship

Throughout history, God has provided us with resources to care for our planet and each other. Let's honor His teachings by embracing sustainable practices that protect our environment and promote peace and prosperity for all.

Get Involved and Make a Difference

Join our efforts to promote renewable energy and revitalize communities. Together, we can create a future where clean energy powers our world and unity guides our actions.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

If you're ready to be part of the solution, reach out to us today. Together, we can make a difference and build a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Follow Jesus, Follow The Bible, Follow Gods word


Did You Know?

Jesus’s Favorite Oil was Castor Oil, also known as “Palma Di Cristo”.

Jesus used Castor Oil to heal leprosy and other ailments.

Castor Oil dates back to the beginning of time “Genesis”. God says to man (Adam) to go forth and use it for our warmth, protection, comfort and security.

Now is the time to?

Listen to God.

Today we are facing an evil “Radical Muslim Jihadists” that pose an imminent threat by calling for our annihilation and the end of Christianity.


Did You Know? 

The EU is IRAN's largest trading partner, along with China and the UAE. Trade with IRAN is subject to the general EU import regime and the EU supports the goal of Iranian accessession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). 


WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This means we Europeans are supporting an Islamic Jihadist Regime and this is basically committing genocidal suicide for all Non-Muslim Europeans, not only in Europe but the whole world in general...we Europeans are basically supporters of terrorism, willingly or unwillingly...If this means anything to you then you need to stop this whilst we still have a chance.

Revitalizing Europes small towns & cities via a bio-based circular economy.

Who we are and what we do?


Save Christianity, Save Our Planet, Save Europe


As a Christian organization dedicated to creating new job opportunities and promoting renewable energy, we understand the importance of supporting initiatives that align with our values and beliefs. Our mission is to create jobs for millions of Christian families in Europe and beyond, ultimately supporting billions of Christian souls worldwide.

We want to emphasize that our stance is not rooted in racism but in realism. By transitioning to green renewables and discontinuing the use of fossil fuels, we aim to undermine the economic power of regimes that seek to destroy Christianity. This is not about targeting individuals based on their race or religion but about taking a stand against ideologies that threaten our way of life.

Consider the impact of our actions: Arab Muslim countries heavily rely on oil exports for their economic stability. By reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, we can weaken their influence and disrupt their ability to fund extremist agendas. It's not about withholding food or resources from anyone but about promoting self-sufficiency and independence from oppressive regimes.

Moreover, by embracing renewable energy sources, we can protect our planet and preserve the environment for future generations. We have a responsibility to be good stewards of God's creation and to safeguard the Earth from the harmful effects of climate change.

In essence, supporting our initiatives means standing up for our Christian values, safeguarding our communities, and protecting our planet. Together, we can work towards a future where renewable energy powers our world, and Christianity flourishes in peace and prosperity. Join us in this vital mission to save our planet, save Christianity, and save Europe.

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