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You will find the latest information about our company here. You will find the latest information about our company here. You will find the...
You will find the latest information about our company and what we like to call " A CASTOR ECONOMY "
SD17 City’s - European Decarbonisation Initiative
Focusing on: Rural Socioeconomic Revitalization Stimulation via a Renewable Bio-based Castor Economy
Keyword 1; Advanced-Biofuels Keyword 2; Bio-Degradable Keyword 3; Carbon-Neutral Keyword 4; Job-Creation Keyword 5; Mediterranean -Cities
A: Helping the European Transport Industry reach net zero emissions, either making all fossil fuel carbon neutral by mixing as an additive 14% of our Castor Based biofuels or eliminating and replacing fossil fuels entirely.
B: Revitalizing and rejuvenating the abundant number of rural towns and cities that are dilapidating by focusing on Rural Socioeconomic Revitalization Stimulation via a Renewable Bio-based Castor Economy generating up to 100-Billion Euros Annually.
Producing Renewable Energy, Bio-Based Consumable Products and Food, based on the proven 4-Returns Scientific Approach to Landscape Restoration, Carbon Sequestration and Biodiversity Conservation. Tackling ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Scope: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy & Greece.
Each hectare of cultivated castor will produce around 2,400 litres’ bio- fuel per year, on burning that fuel around one (1) ton of carbon emissions will be released, on burning 2,400 litres’ regular fossil aviation fuel one emits over seven (7.5) tons carbon emissions.
Each hectare of recuperated terrain capture and sequestrate at least 21 tons Carbon per year, by introducing and burning our castor bio fuel, we release only one (1) ton emissions, hence we have a carbon credit of twenty tons eliminating the 86% fossil fuel emissions.
Italy requires and consumes 2-Billion Litres (2-Million Metric tons) Diesel Per Year.
Using our Protective Plant Variety WAINER/J2 (Patent Attached) this would require 833,333.33 Hectares of Castor / Land Cultivation.
To achieve Carbon Neutral status by mixing 14% of our Castor Bio-diesel to fossil diesel this would require = 116,666.66 Hectares Castor Cultivation.
Christian Social Absorption and Integration Plan.
Relocating and implementing Christian families into a social absorption program that facilitates the revitalization and resuscitation of small rural towns and cities. Providing permanent jobs based on sustainable regenerative agriculture focused on a Castor Bio-Based economy producing renewable non-toxic green biofuels and consumer (800+) products.
Every 10 to 12 hectares provides 1-permanent agricultural picking job based on an eight-hour day (x5) = 40-hours per week, @ 6-euros per hour basic wage x a 22 work days per month, generating 1,056 Euros per month (manual labour) the hourly rate of 6.00 euros could increase to 8.00 euros as it is related to weight and productivity, hence it is possible to earn as much as 1,408 + Euros per month should the worker outperform expectations.
For every 1-agricultural Job, by making or converting the Castor Oil into some bio-based products such as bio-pharmaceuticals, bio-plastics, bio-paints etc. 1-Factory or Industry Job is created (@8-euros per hour = 1,408 Euros monthly income).
8333,333.33 Hectares creates 69,000 to 83,000 Agricultural Jobs Generating around 2-Billion euros in agriculture & if converted to industry an additional 69,000 to 83,000 Industry Jobs. Generating around an additional 1.4 –Billion Euros in Industry Per Year.
Italy has over 1,620 small towns and cities facing extinction – by reviving just 10% of these rural towns with an average of 5,140-hectares Castor Cultivation per town would achieve our objective to make ITALY 100% Fossil Fuel Free.
116,666.66 Hectares creates 13,000 to 16,000 Agricultural Jobs + 13,000 to 16,000 Industry Jobs. Generating around 350-Million euros in Agriculture and an additional 270 –Million Euros in Industry Per Year.
By reviving just 10% of these rural towns with an average of 720-hectares Castor Cultivation per town would achieve our objective to make ITALY 14% Fossil Fuel Free $ 100% Carbon Neutral Transport.
By integrating a Castor Economy into a social project focusing on absorbing and relocating Christian families based on the above one would potentially create over 160,000 new manual jobs facilitating 160,000 new Christian families (on average around 600,000 to 1-Million people) alleviating the burden of state financial aid and assistance and providing opportunity and prosperity to those families in need, whilst at the same time making Italy self-reliant and self-sufficient on Energy and Renewables. Organizations like Caritas can assist with Christian Families Immigrant Absorption, Vetting and Placements of new immigrants and their families into our projects Homepage - Caritas Italiana
Cooperative of farmers.
Italy has over 1.6 million farmers / agricultural holders., average land size holding 7.9 hectares totalling 12.6 million hectares, if less than 1% participated by converting over to Castor Cultivation we would reach our first objective of 14% Bio-diesel mixed into fossil fuel and if 6.5% of Italian farmers participated we would reach our final goal of 100% Sustainable Renewable Bio-Diesel Production.
Another possibility? Integrating with other cultivations (intercropping) Example Olive Groves:
Italy has around 1,075,000 Hectares of Olive Groves (370,000 in Puglia alone – very close to the ENI Oil Refinery in Sicily), many of which are old and non-producing, here alone we have enough land ready to immediately implement our proposed project/objectives with little to no moneys needed for land preparation (eliminating the highest cost of all) – by generating just 15% cooperation we achieve our first objective - 78% cooperation would make Italy 100% self-sustainable on green oil.
Olive farms are on the decline, by introducing and combining Castor Cultivation, Olive growers can supplement/increase their incomes based on the foreseen net pricing above by 1,700 Euros Per hectare per year (1,250 on labour/yields and 500 towards land rental @ 0.29c per kg) = 50% annual average gains per hectare agriculture, for every additional 250 euros given to the farmer above this mark the proposed retail sale price will increase by just under ten and a half cents (10.4c) per litre.
Olive groves have sufficient spacing’s to accommodate our Castor trees, Olive picking only requires a few months a year – here Castor allows for all year picking = all year job retention = all year financial income.
(Additional possible intercropping options are Grape Vines: Italy has over 651,000 Hectares Grape Cultivation; Citrus Trees: Italy has close to 188,000 Hectares Citrus trees? or Nuts as Italy has 186,000 Hectares available? Smaller industries like Avocado with 20,000 hectares or Banana & Mango that are on the rise due to an increase in warmer weather/climate change etc. can also participate in our initiative: as see in this video example: Practical Solutions For A Sustainable Future (
We too use bees as part of our project to improve pollination/production, our Patented Castor trees flower all year-hence we have honey production all year = additional income & job creation + biodiversity protection + bees improve productivity and income derived of the farmer’s (or his neighbours) other crops.
By intercropping Castor with the above cultivations, not only maximizes our land and human resources potential, farmers can now make additional income improving their families and their communities lives.
Spain, Portugal, France, & Greece all hold similar or greater potential – statistics show that combined all 5-Medeterenain countries can sufficiently produce all of Europe’s Oil and Energy needs in a renewable, sustainable, ecological fashion, meeting our 2050 Net Zero objective way before 2050.
In theory because our Castor trees reach maturity in under 18-months, with a combined national level endorsement by government and full cooperation one can reach our proposed objective in as little as 3-years as per graph below. A 100% TRANSFORMATION FROM FOSSIL FUEL TO RENEWABLE NON TOXIC DIESEL
Gross Cost excluding revenues/profit gains to produce 1-Litre Castor Oil E0.81c to E0.86c & 1-Litre Bio-Diesel E0.91c to E0.96c (excluding revenues from Biomass Waste = Bio-Fertilizer or bio-methanol/gasoline)
AIM is to erect micro bio-diesel and bio-gas compact refineries in each small town or nearest collective hub (advantages of micro refineries include glycerin revenue, job creation + closer to market = lower carbon footprint & lower retail price etc.).
We too can produce bio-gas or bio-gasoline from our waste assisting these energy sectors and creating additional jobs and revenue.
Previous Pilot Test in Nicaragua & Honduras showed to confirm viability and feasibility of concept with cooperation of over 700 farmers participating in initial R&D trials. ECOPOWER INITIATIVE – Rainforest Reliance (
Charles Wakefield the founder of Castrol Motor Oil in 1896 was the father of a “Castor Economy”, we are here to resurrect his (and Rudolf Diesel´s the creator of the Diesel Motor in 1900) dream of a clean, green, non-toxic, sustainable Castor Economy powered by the Diesel Motor ( 84% of the world’s energy rely on fossil fuel and gas, 97% of the world’s global transportation today still rely on fossil fuel, with the majority relying on the Diesel Motor GREEN OIL = RENEWABLES – Rainforest Reliance (
Because our Proprietary High Yielding, Long Living, Drought Resistant Patented Castor Strain/s are not related to the open market or public, we hold an advantage as our Oil Prices (Energy Cost) are done on a fixed exclusive contractual basis allowing for economic and political stability, combating market fluctuations and inflation. In Central America we work on a 15-year fixed contractual price with our cooperative of farmers, with the price increasing slightly every 5-years.
Castor Oil is vital in the advances in medicine and technology, used in 100s of applications and components/products in these two industries alone, most recent advances are bio-plastics, castor Bio-degradable plastic is up to 13 times stronger than fossil plastics. By mixing 61% Castor Bio- Plastics with 39% Fossil plastics it retains its bio-degradable characteristics, hence it is possible to eliminate our fossil plastic footprint by recycling and redistributing, should the new-plastics combination end up in the ocean they disintegrate and become fish or plankton food and if in a landfill they become/act as compost/fertilizer.
WAINER / J2 LIVE 2024 WAINER ILANA (under registration)