Environment friendly energy solutions

Castor Oil can replace Fossil Oil by producing everything Fossil Fuel can and more, in-fact over 800 products and applications...


Seizing Opportunities in Clean Energy and Ethical Investments


Welcome, investors, to an opportunity that transcends mere profitability—it’s about making a profound impact while securing returns. Our proposition is simple yet revolutionary: pivot away from supporting radical Islam fossil fuel and instead invest in Christian clean oil and renewable energy.


The global energy landscape is at a pivotal moment, and we have the chance to shape it for the better. By divesting from fossil fuels sourced from regions with ties to radical Islamist agendas, we not only safeguard our investments but also uphold ethical principles. Our focus on Christian clean oil and renewable energy not only mitigates risks associated with geopolitical instability but also aligns with values of sustainability and social responsibility.


Our vision extends beyond financial gains; it’s about fostering a future where energy independence strengthens communities and safeguards against extremism. By investing in our initiatives, you’re not just supporting innovation—you’re championing a cause that revitalizes economies, creates jobs, and promotes peace.


Join us in leading the charge towards a world powered by Christian clean oil and renewable energy. Together, let’s build a future where prosperity and principles go hand in hand. Invest in a brighter tomorrow with us.


Please view our attached 5-year P & L.


Basically it shows for a relatively small investment of 5,114,455.50 we over a 5-year period derived an estimated revenue of between 32,000,000.00 and above, broken down as follows;


Castor Oil production converted to Bio-diesel over a 4-year period out of 5-years @ 4,000,000.00 per year = 16,000,000.00


Glycerin = byproduct from bio-diesel conversion production over a 4-year period out of 5-years @ an estimated minimum of 2,000,000.00 per

      year = 8,000,000.00


Castor waste converted into bio-fertilizers or bio-methanol or bio-gas or a combination of all three @ minimum 1,000,000.00 over a 4-year out of

      5-year period = 4,000,000.00


Honey production, 4-years out of 5-years @ minimum 1,000,000.00 = 4,000,000.00


TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE = 32,000,000.00 + in the first 5-years alone.




Remember this is only the beginning, we have a long way to go in replacing one by one each and every fossil fuel derived product in the collective endeavor to replace with a bio-based circular economy.


Please join us on this new and exciting journey into the future, transitioning together for a better new sustainable world J.
Italy # +39-350-9209021

Information about how to buy in



How to buy in?

    Franchise Model

We offer a franchise plan similar to McDonald’s or any other franchise, where the franchisor licenses the use of intellectual property, trade mark and business model to the franchisee, in exchange for an upfront payment and royalty payments.
Like McDonald’s the franchisor holds 51% and the franchisee holds the remaining 49% (Franchisee includes a cooperative of investors - Christian Families and individuals).
Just like McDonald’s we cater to a hungry market, “the energy market”, that without the world will stand still.
To qualify for a franchise one would need to have available and accessible minimum a collective fund of 3,000,000.00 to  5,114,455.50 Euros.
Examples below on how to structure your cooperative:
10-families or individuals each investing 300,00.00
100-families or individuals each investing 30,000.00
250-families or individuals each investing 12,000.00 (this also guarantees you a permanant new job in industry or administration earning around 18,000.00 per year in salary, apart from your dividend = profit share).
Or a combination of all of the above?
We encourage young couples or students to create a cooperative and take over a town or village in Italy of your choice and create and build your own "Christian Euthopia = A realistic concept of a good place or something that is attainable".
We assist in the finding of your prefered town or village, we too will create your cooperative of farming family members to cultivate a minimum of 1,000 hectares Castor cultivation
We will spearhead the erection of your industrial city and build your business with you whilst we train you and you the franchisee retain an active role and financial independence.
We collectively share in the operations and rewards.
The franchisor is responsible for all production, sales and marketing, the cooperative and farmers ensure cultivation, the financier bridges the investment.
Financier to set-up fund in escrow, with attorney appointed in-charge of dispensing and procurements etc.
6 to 9-months needed to complete project from moment of signature and funding secured (dependent on factory land acquisition, zoning and building permits etc.)
Factory machinery can be ordered, produced, shipped and erected in 4 to 6-months from order-provided a facility and structure is ready to receive.
Cultivation is ready for first picking between month 4 & 5 onwards depending on Castor strain.
Production can begin as early as month 6 or 7 from signature.
Planting season begins end April through end October (minimum 16 degrees + is required for germination – average temperature in Puglia /Southern Italy is 16 to 17 degrees in April and 16 to21 degrees in October, with an average of 24 to 30-degrees during the summer months). Coldest months are December, January and February with temperatures reaching as low as 8 degrees.
Our proprietary castor trees can withstand temperatures as low as zero for short periods of time and only endure slight stress below 5 to 2-degrees.
Prolonged cold can cause stress and excessive water log for prolonged periods will cause root rot- good news is in Southern Italy and the Mediterranean the Olive land although barren and mostly rocky dry soils is well drained, normally on a slight slope, the hotter the temperature the better = more production.
Olive cultivations are generally grown between 10-degrees to maximum 50-degrees , with an average of 30-degrees = perfect for our Castor Trees J.  

What we do?

You will find the latest information about our company and our objectives by reading the Investment Proposal below:


Please click on the link below to view our PowerPoint presentation.